Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Casper - the Friendly Call Recorder!

My boss took a look at this product and started humming the theme to the original Casper cartoons. "Casper - the Friendly Ghost, the Friendly Ghost..."

This is a friendly product - both for use and on the bank account.

The Casper USB call recorder is a full line-tap device that records all conversations on the line to computer through a USB connection. It can be installed before the phone system on each line to capture all calls made on that line, thus eliminating the need to have one unit per PHONE, which is how a lot of other systems work. Because of this, it can be a less expensive way to record all the calls in your call center or business.

For more information on the Casper and other USB call recording devices, click here.

Yet another friendly product available wholesale through Telephone Magic.