Friday, February 18, 2005

Digital vs. Analog and Conference Phones

What can I say. I'm a newbie.

I got a request yesterday from a fellow who had a Nortel phone system who wanted to be able to use the Polycom SoundStation 2.

So I think - yeah - that's easy. Just unplug the meridian phone in the conference room and replace it with the SoundStation. Easy as pie, right?


PBX systems send a digital signal to the phones that connect to them. Most audio conferencing units are analog, and therefore incompatible with the PBX system.

So, whaddya do about it?

Easy - for Nortel and other digital PBXs, you can order the SoundStation Premier and get a great sounding conference phone that will actually work on your system.

Apparently there is another option where you can purchase a digital to analog phone line converter. Polycom makes what they call the SoundStation Intelligent Terminal Adapter which will allow you to connect your SoundStation to any digital PBX.

Of course, whenever possible, the better option is to purchase the right product which is designed to seamlessly integrate into your PBX system.

Just in case anyone was interested.